Places of Progress? Re-Evaluating the Sites of High Tech Controversies — Vortrag Robert Bramkamp — “Prüfstand 7”

Der Vortrag von Robert Bramkamp (Hamburg) dreht sich um die verblüffend vielen Realitäten, in denen der HighTech-Fetisch Rakete seine Wirkungen entfaltet. Chair Christian Kehrt (Braunschweig)

Montag, 16 September 2019, 15.30

Bis heute dominiert die “Königin der Ambivalenz” immer dann das mediale Weltgeschehen, wenn es eng wird, wenn es also im Interesse von AkteurInnen liegt, dass eine  Krise entsteht, verlängert oder verschärft wird. Das Motto dann: “Was wir nicht mehr unter einen Hut bringen, bringt die Rakete auf den Punkt”.  Ein Vortrag (in englischer Sprache) im Zeichen des gekündigten INF-Vertrages.

Information zu der englischsprachigen Konferenz: Advanced technologies or ‘revolutionary’ technological systems are often deemed controversial, risky or ambivalent. Diverging interpretations clash when their places of development or use are turned into heritage sites through practices of remembrance or museumization. Understanding technological sites as “lieux de mémoire” (Pierre Nora) shifts our focus to the actors engaged in processes of remembering modern technologies, and the cases in which established narratives have been supported or challenged on local levels. Questions about the ethics of technology use often seem to subvert stories of the ‘heroes of invention‘, leaving visitors with the impression of ambivalent historical places. ‘Places of Progress‘ aims at investigating past and current challenges of remembering modern ‘high technologies’ (both military and civilian), such as weapons, information and communication technologies, transportation infrastructures, nuclear energy or nanotechnology, at or through their historical sites.

The conference inv.estigates the argument that histories of technology have often upheld a traditional view of modern linear progress, but became the focus of controversies when particular sites and objects were employed in exhibitions and other forms of remembrance. Contributions from various disciplines, ranging from science and technology studies to public history and heritage studies, examine the agendas, stakeholders, practices and institutions involved in remembering technologies. How have sites and technological objects been used to create traditions or consolidate cultural memories, to support or undermine established historiographies? Have postmodern debates transformed enthusiasm into nostalgia? What has been willfully ‘forgotten’ to promote divergent narratives?

Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig, Pockelsstraße 11, 38106 Braunschweig

Daniel Brandau and Constanze Seifert-Hartz

Forschungsgruppe “Meta-Peenemünde”, TU Braunschweig, Institute of History